Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Blue Light Diaries - Update

NEWS UPDATE: The upcoming novel "The Blue Light Diaries" is still being written and is pencilled in for a Summer 2016 release. The book may be potentially be a part of a series of books. The new cover design is above, but it's a work in progress. If you think you can do a better job, I'd love you to contact me and I will happily mention you if I use your cover design.

Based on the life of Doctor Peter Honeycutt, the book see's the World under attack from an unknown event which causes blue lights to show themselves every twenty years. Along with these lights comes death and disease on planet Earth.

2016 things start to go wrong as the blue lights have shown themselves three years too early. This book is a little bit science fiction, a little bit horror, with a few zombies and even more aliens. The Blue Light Diaries is a character driven adventure, full of twists and turns with every page.

As an early preview you may download the first chapter of the book for a limited time. I would like feedback from as many people as I can, please leave comments below! There is a lot of action to follow, but get to know Doctor Peter Honeycutt in this first chapter.

The first book in the series should feature around ten chapters and 120 A4 pages in length. The book will be thoroughly proof-read before release.